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Videos & Documents

Some self videos and documents productions

Rock band Proměny 40th anniversary

Clip: Tak se hejbej
The clip from the 40th anniversary concert of
the rock band Proměny. This concert took
place 9th October 2010 in Stará Role-Karlovy Vary

2010 - time 4:06

Trip tip - Monastery Klášter Teplá

Monastery in Klášter Teplá Czech Republic.
The document show us what you can see when you
visit very old monastery near Teplá town in west
part of Czech Repubulic.

2008 - time 9:34

Klínovec mountain 2004

Document from Klínovec mountain.
Document describes shabby hotel tower and other equipment on top of
Klínovec mountain in year 2004.

2004 - time 5:30

How does warm make

A funny document about amateur firewood harvesting,  cuting
transiting in trailer, storing in the shed.

2008 - délka 11:40

Bremen 2008

Videoclip to song named Bremen from singer Radůza.
Captured in Bremen city in September 2008

2008 - time 4:30

Try&Play 2009 Teplá

A Document about session for children and youth  "Try and Play"  in Tepla town.

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